
Darkon Senate will be moving online after the last in-person meeting of the year this Sunday, November 5th.

The remaining Senates for the year will be:

  • Saturday, December 2nd, 12pm
  • Saturday, December 30th, 12pm

There is a Senate section on the Darkon Discord Server, visible to all members.

Here are the voice and text channels:

  • #agenda-presenting: Final prop versions being presented
  • #agenda-voting: Props up for a vote, done via polling bot
  • Senate Forum: Those with ‘Senator’ permissions can talk and use chat, but all members can join/listen/read
  • Go Here First: At the start of every meeting, country reps should go here to get ‘Senator’ permissions

This will be discussed further at the November 5th event, and server links will be posted closer to the December 2nd date.