
The realm of Darkon is prosperous, and here you will find a historical archive of currencies that have been used in our lands. Take note that this section is still being updated because the King just taxed us for all of the other coins we had! For real though- if you would like to submit a front and back picture of a Darkon coin in your possession, like how you see these here, we would love to see it and add it to the online archive here.

It is worth noting that currency holds the following values and proper names:

Gold Piece: 1 Gold Piece

Sovereign (Heavy, Larger, Antique Gold Color): 5 Gold Pieces

Platinum (Silver Color): 10 Gold Pieces

Mercenary Mark (Red Color): 25 Gold Pieces

Province Piece (Black Color): 50 Gold Pieces

Kings Mark (Blue Color): 100 Gold Pieces

Gold Piece Info Pending
Gold Piece Info Pending
Gold Piece Info Pending
Gold Piece Info Pending
Gold Piece Info Pending
Sovereign: Featuring Archduke Anderick Van Dahl.